We’ve updated our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy with important information about how we use your data, how we share your data with partners, and your privacy options. 

Who We Are

Who We Are

Over 30 Years of Dental Experience

Professionally Dentally Licensed in NC since 1993.

Two Dental Degrees:

  • UNC-CH School of Dentistry Degree in Dental Assisting 
  • Guilford Technical Community College Associate Degree in dental hygiene

Teeth Whitening Center has been in operation since 2009 originally under the name “Better In Colour Spa and Teeth Whitening”. 

Our Kernersville location in operation since 2014.

We offer a Quick. Effective. Affordable Teeth Whitening Service

Whiten over 100 smiles per month.

Zero Sensitivity. 

Before and After pictures. We Grade your Whitening progress.

We develop a plan of action to keep your smile bright the entire year!